时 间:2017年11月10日(周五)上午9:00开始地 点:502报告厅
报告题目:Implications forInternationalization in the Context of Globalization
报告人:Prof. Philip G. Altbach
专家简介:Philip G. Altbachis Research Professor and Founding Director of the Center for InternationalHigher Education at Boston College. He was the 2004-2006 Distinguished ScholarLeader for the New Century Scholars initiative of the Fulbright program, wasgiven the Houlihan career award by NAFSA: Association of InternationalEducators, the Bowen award by the Association for the Study of HigherEducation, and has been a senior associate of the Carnegie Foundation for theAdvancement of Teaching. He has taught at Harvard University, the University ofWisconsin, and the State University of New York at Buffalo. He is author ofGlobal Perspectives on Higher Education, Turmoil and Transition, StudentPolitics in America, among other books. He also co-edited (with Jamil Salmi)The Road to Academic Excellence, (with Michael Bastedo and Patricia Gumport)American Higher Education in the 21st Century, the International Handbook ofHigher Education, World Class Worldwide: Transforming Research Universities inAsia and Latin America and other books. He is a member of the Russiangovernment’s “5-100 University Excellence Commission,” and other internationalcommittees.